Dedication of the New Console – Sponsors Recital 2021 (teaser)

Firstly, I am greatly honoured to have been asked to give the Sponsors Recital for 2021 which coincides with the “Dedication of the New Console” at the Anglican Church of St. Simon and St. Jude in Bowral, NSW (Australia). The decision to purchase a new console was made in 2018 when the original console (mechanical) required significant work. It originated from the 1981 rebuild and was in the neo-Baroque style. To accomodate the additions made to the organ since its refurbishment commenced in 2002, certain compromises had to be made. Over time they became problematic so it was decided that the best way forward was to replace the console and action so that the pipes are activated by electro-magnets in place of levers. Rather than replace it with just a two manual console, a three manual console was seen as an opportunity and the space vacated by the original console would eventually comprise of the Choir division. At present, only the unenclosed Trumpet is available on the Choir and the rest is prepared for. The new console was ordered in 2019 by Sydney organ builder, Peter DG Jewkes Pty Ltd. Covid prevented its original installation in 2020 but thankfully all is now installed! I hope you enjoy this teaser video of the concert and antics with my friend, Callum Knox (Organ Scholar, SJKS, professional page turner and great all round mate!).

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