MARCHE TRIOMPHALE – Paul Fey | Henry Willis & Sons organ at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta

I was recently inspired by @DCTOnline‘s rendition of Fey’s Marche Triomphale that I had to give it a go myself. I also happened to be travelling south to Wangaratta, a regional Victorian town which is home to Holy Trinity Cathedral. It houses a fine Henry Willis & sons organ which has only recently started speaking again after 3+ years. Rats and other vermin got into the bellows and slowly but surely ate the organ away. And to top that off, covid delayed any immediate restoration work. I’m grateful to Director of Music, Kieran Crichton, for allowing me access to this fine instrument on a hot summer’s day. I hope you enjoy the sounds of this organ (and I hope to give a recital here soon!).

@DCTOnline‘s rendition:

Organ specification:


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