O God unseen – Pietro Cattaneo

I’ve played several of Pietro Cattaneo’s works here on my channel and I’m very pleased that his latest composition has been selected as a winning entry for Tim Knight’s latest competition ‘Organ Music for Praise and Worship’. ‘O
God Unseen’ is inspired by a Eucharistic poem written by M. Adamo Pasini, who in the early
years of 20th century was Abbot of San Mercuriale Abbey in Forli. The text begins with the
words ‘O God unseen, o lovely Lord’. I recorded this piece on the Billerbeck Dom sample set (Sonus Paradisi) using Hauptwerk.

Score: https://www.timknightmusic.com/product-page/organ-music-for-praise-and-worship-4-pieces-pdf-download (PDF)
https://www.timknightmusic.com/product-page/organ-music-for-praise-and-worship-4-pieces (printed)

Subscribe to Pietro’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzvScLcNyYEfX_JMkgfC1rA
Pietro’s compositions on IMSLP: https://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Cattaneo,_Pietro
My Spotify album on Pietro’s organ works: https://open.spotify.com/album/4RFAuD4LW1GoyjjKMZtdMM
My YouTube playlist on Pietro’s organ works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68q_1jzjNGk&list=PLXXUZU0pCupBMwPnFSEwtvPV7iRipye9-

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To support my channel or for further information: https://linktr.ee/james_flores