Suite en ré mineur – Denis Bédard

You may remember in the last few recitals I have been playing Bédard’s “Suite en la majeur”. It’s now time for me to play his Suite in D minor. As expected, there is a change of character in the minor key and Bédard presents us with many opportunities to explore an organ’s tonal capabilities. My favourite movement from this suite is the Rigaudon. What was yours? I recorded this on the Hauptwerk sample set of Caen by Sonus Paradisi. The score is available for purchase via the link below.

0:00 | Prélude
1:31 | Fugue
3:38 | Bicinium
4:46 | Soliloque
6:49 | Interlude
8:32 | Écho
9:26 | Rigaudon


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